Storm Water Management

What can be done when a stream or waterway is on your property?  Check out the link below:

DEP Guidelines for Maintaining Streams

So what happens to all the Salt and materials placed on the roads during winter?

Read an informative Smithsonian Magazine article on this topic..


Stormwater/MS4 concerns, please fill out the form from link below and return it to the Pequea Township office as soon as possible. You may also call the office at 717-464-2322.


Stormwater Concern Form


Pequea Storm Water Flowchart


Storm Water Management Ordinance Exemption Application


Storm Water Management Ordinance Minor Land Disturb Activity Application


Storm Water Management Filing Fees and Deposit Schedule 2014


Pequea Twp. – Minor Land Disturb SWM Design Assistance Manual (5-14-14)


2015-09-01 LCCD & Pequea Twp-Memorandum of Understanding


DEP Swimming Pool Water Discharge Guidelines


Riparian Buffer Fact Sheet