What can be done when a stream or waterway is on your property? Check out the link below:
DEP Guidelines for Maintaining Streams
So what happens to all the Salt and materials placed on the roads during winter?
Read an informative Smithsonian Magazine article on this topic..
Stormwater/MS4 concerns, please fill out the form from link below and return it to the Pequea Township office as soon as possible. You may also call the office at 717-464-2322.
Storm Water Management Ordinance Exemption Application
Storm Water Management Ordinance Minor Land Disturb Activity Application
Storm Water Management Filing Fees and Deposit Schedule 2014
Pequea Twp. – Minor Land Disturb SWM Design Assistance Manual (5-14-14)
2015-09-01 LCCD & Pequea Twp-Memorandum of Understanding
DEP Swimming Pool Water Discharge Guidelines